I like commercials. Oh sure, given the option, I still fast forward through them, but a lot of times I can’t because I’m streaming shows or sporting events (go sports team, score the points!). And when the same commercials aren’t repeated ad nauseum (I’m looking at you ESPN app. And Fox… and Comedy Central… and […]
I don’t know about you, but positive vibes have seemed rare these past few weeks. I’ve been feeling a lot of negativity and I know exactly why. It’s the dumpster fire that has since spread to adjacent buildings and now threatens the entire neighborhood that we call the 2016 Presidential election. Somehow it’s supposed to […]
Phil’s post about how we as humans don’t really have a choice as to whether or not we gravitate towards a well-told story got me thinking a lot about the decisions we make. For the record, I think he’s right. There is something within us that becomes engaged when we hear a good story. It […]
What are some of your favorite ads? Can you think of one? I know for me, my favorite ads usually either make me laugh or inspire me. Geico has some of the funniest ads going right now with Marco Polo, or the one with Ice T at the Lemonade Stand. Yes they’re corny, but they […]